Nutritional Counseling for Teens at Pediatric Dental Visit

Pediatric Dental Asheville, NC

Pediatric dental professionals love a healthy set of teeth, especially when those teeth belong to their patients. There is a sense of pride that a pediatric dentist feels when these young patients grow into young adults with good teeth and great oral habits. From a young age, a child should learn how to take care of themselves. Children should learn about stranger danger, how to cross the road, how to interact with others and just as important, how to eat right. A child who sees a pediatric dentist gets to learn about good nutrition. Chances are that the dentist taught them about good food from an early age.

Pediatric dental visits and nutritional counseling for children

Pediatric dental professionals teach patients about nutrition in an incremental manner. Dentists teach toddlers about good and bad foods using colorful learning aids and fun little songs. As the toddler gets older, the dentist will change tactics by appealing to the independent streak in the patients. The dentist will give the seven or eight-year-old the responsibility of tracking what they eat, ‘like a grown-up’. The dentist will also make cool associations by encouraging the child to take care of teeth like a favorite superhero or cartoon character.

By the time the child is a pre-teen, they will have good oral habits with the guidance of the pediatric dentist and reinforcement from parents. At this point, the dentist will change gears and prepare the child for the teenage years. The dentists will teach the patient to make good decisions even as parents take a step back.

Nutritional counseling for teens

Nutritional counseling is one aspect of preventative dentistry. For teenagers, counseling introduces good nutrition or reinforces the oral habits that the patient learned in earlier years. Good nutrition is a huge part of good oral habits and good oral habits keep the teeth from avoidable dental procedures.

A pediatric dentist knows how to reach teenagers. The dentist will frame nutritional counseling as lifestyle choices that will benefit the teen. The dentist will advise the patient to limit sugar because less sugar is good for the teeth and the entire body. This is something an image-conscious teen will take to heart. The dentist will also remind the teen that oral health is up to them now and will have to make regular dentist appointments. Since teenagers look forward to being independent, they may very well associate good nutrition with autonomy.

Talk to a pediatric dental professional

A pediatric dentist has many approaches to nutritional counseling for teens. Pediatric dentists customize their approach to match the personality of each teenage patient. This is just one of the many reasons that parents should make the effort to find a good and caring pediatric dental professional.

Call and make an appointment. Bring your teen along when you come. You will love how the dentist builds a rapport with your kid. Soon, your child will be taking in information that will serve them well for the rest of their life.

Request an appointment here: or call Dennis R. Campbell, DDS at (828) 417-3828 for an appointment in our Asheville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Pediatric Dentist in Asheville, NC.

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